BS-9599-1 Contents
1/1/1 x Guidance Leaflet
1/1/1 x Contents List
4/6/8 x Medium Sterile Dressing
1/2/2 x Large Sterile Dressing
2/3/4 x Triangular Bandage
6/12/24 x Safety Pins
2/3/4 x Sterile Eye Pad
40/60/100 x Washproof Plasters
20/30/40 x Sterile Saline Wipes
1/1/1 x Microporous Tape
6/9/12 x Nitrile Gloves (Pairs)
2/3/4 x Sterile Finger Dressing
1/1/2 x Resuscitation Face Shield
1/2/3 x Foil Blanket
1/2/2 x Hydrogel Burn Dressing
1/1/1 x Scissors
1/2/2 x Conforming Bandage
HSE Approved Kit Contents
1-10 Persons, 11-20 Persons, 21-50 Persons
1/1/1 x Guidance Leaflet
1/1/1 x Contents List
20/40/60 x Assorted Washproof Plasters
2/4/6 x Standard Dressing - Eyepad
6/9/12 x Standard Dressing - Medium
2/3/4 x Standard Dressing - Large
4/6/8 x Triangular Bandage
10/10/20 x Alcohol Free Wipes
6/12/12 x Safety Pins
1/2/3 x Disposable Gloves (pair)
First Response Kit
1 x HSE guidance leaflet
1 x Foil blanket
1 x Microporous tape 2.5cm x 10m
3 x Burn blotts
4 x Eyepad bandage
6 x Clinical waste bag
2 x Resus 1 way valve
6 x Triangular bandage
2 x Pairs of medium latex gloves
1 x Eye wash bottle 500ml
1 x Pair of first aid scissors
1 x Bag of safety pins
1 x Pair of Tufkut paramedic scissors
10 x Alcohol free wipes
1 x Instant ice pack
3 x Large standard dressings
2 x Washproof 10’s assorted plasters
1 x Stretch fabric 20’s assorted plasters
Child Care First Aid Kit
1 x 1-10 Person refill pack
2 x Pairs of medium flesh gloves
1 x Resusciade one way valve
5 x Low adherent dressing
1 x Microporous tape 1.25cm x 5m
1 x Pair of first aid kit scissors
5 x Gauze swabs 5cm x 5cm
1 x Gauze tubular bandage size 01 x 1m
1 x Gauze tubular bandage applicator
Catering First Aid Kit
1 x Guidance Leaflet
1 x Contents List
6 x Medium Sterile Dressing
2 x Large Sterile Dressing
3 x Triangular Bandage
12 x Safey Pins
3 x Sterile Eyepad
60 x Blue Detectable Plasters
30 x Sterile Saline Wipes
1 x Microporous Tape
9 x Blue Gloves (pairs)
3 x Sterile Finger Dressing
1 x Resuscitation Face Shield
2 x Foil Blanket
2 x Hydrogel Burn Dressing
1 x Scissors
2 x Conforming Bandage
Vehicle First Aid Kit
1 x Pair of scissors
3 x Large sterile dressing
2 x Eyepad sterile dressing
2 x Non-woven triangular bandage
2 x Pairs of medium sized gloves
1 x Bag of safety pins
10 x Alcohol free cleansing wipes
20 x Assorted hypo-allergenic plasters
1 x HSE first aid guide leaflet
4 x Hypo-allergenic plasters 4cm x 4cm
1 x 7.5cm comforming bandage
We are an FAIB approved family business in Hull, East Yorkshire. We specialise in providing high quality training at affordable prices.
HSTS, Seaton House
Air Street, Sculcoates Lane
Kingston upon Hull
East Yorkshire
Delivery Costs
The standard postage cost for all orders below £50 is £5.99. For orders of £50 or above, postage is free. We deliver orders ourselves or send them by courier.